

d.light Lights Up Gawad Kalinga


Found at Camias, San Miguel Bulacan, Mediatrix Village under Gawad Kalinga, gave shelter to several families last 2006. With the good heart of Tess Poling, who funded the project through fund raising in Sacramento USA, and through her sister Alice Sweet, they were able to help these less fortunate families to live better lives in these precious houses.

With their income coming only from farming and vegetable planting, the families do not have enough resources to afford lighting, especially since the cost of having electricity in their rural place will require them huge amount of money.

Last 2012, Tess provided two units each of D.LIGHT S10 solar lanterns for the families so that thay can avoid using unsafe kerosene lamps and candles. True to D. LIGHT's commitment of durability, all of units are still working perfectly up to this day.

In 2015, much more powerful solar solutions were given to each household. The D. LIGHT D20 solar home systems were installed into each house. These families need not to worry about their light on the evening. They are very happy and mentioned that they are using both light in the evening without emptying the battery and the systems automatically charge through solar in the morning.

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