Since 2021, Solar Hope and Power4All in partnership with Laiban Integrated School has been providing solar home systems to Dumagat families in Laiban and is now on its 7th Batch of turn-over. As of today, 374 Dumagat homes are now enjoying energy access in support to their education, livelihood and even savings.
Laiban is a home to more than 500 Dumagat families without energy access coming from 5 sitios (Laiban Proper, Old Laiban, Magata, Manggahan, and Ibucao). The community is very remote that you would need to cross 9 rivers and rough roads just to reach the town proper. However, would have to trek 1-2 hours to reach the other sitios. The town proper had a generator before but was broken and they are now dependent to solar, car batteries and kerosene lamps.
The initiative in Laiban started with only just the provision of energy access to the Dumagat families. But after series of community outreaches and batches of turn-over of solar, more and more partners are being encouraged to help and be part of the community development in the attempt to provide assistance not only for energy but also in education, livelihood, health and technology.
CGI Philippines as part of their CSR Program has chosen the Laiban community to be their beneficiary in collaboration with their partner organizations: Solar Hope, Build for Life Foundation and Scholars of Sustenance Philippines. The planning took 3 months in close coordination with the community champions and the school before the actual execution in the community.
There are 6 main outreach activities:
1. Solar Home System Donation
70 Dumagat Families received Power4All Dlight D100 solar home system which will be installed in their homes. These solar home systems were donated by CGI members and various donors to light the Laiban homes. Community consultation and solar orientation were conducted prior to the turn-over for better understanding of their challenges, needs and for more opportunities for assistance.

Around 100+ residents both children and parents from the school and community received free health and dental care while the volunteers entertain them through storytelling, puppet show, and dance. Around 10,500+ medicines along with medical supplies were given to the barangay including hospital beds, nebulizer masks, digital blood pressure monitors and fetal dropper.

3. Nutritional Program
Around 1,600+ snacks and 600+ packed meals were served for all the beneficaries and the volunteers. The community was also able to raise around P20,000 funds from “Buy-anihan” program wherein volunteers pre-ordered crops and goods harvested from the community.
4. ICT Equipment
30 Refurbished laptops, mouse, headsets, USB flash drives, ergonomic chairs, monoblock chairs, 15 LCD monitors, 11 working tables, and 6 ceiling fans were donated for the ICT Laboratory Improvement.
5. Library Refurbished
Libraries of the school were repainted and provided new bookshelves. Volunteers supported the program through book sorting and digital inventory. 250+ books were donated to the elementary and high school libraries through CGI’s book drive.
6. STEM Session
100+ faculty and students attended the Data Privacy and Phishing headed by CGI volunteers. 400+ school supplies and gift packs were given to the students, faculty and residents.
Again, the community is truly grateful to CGI Philippines and all its partners for all the blessings they have provided to Laiban last March 18, 2023.
Truly, there is power in collaboration and there is greater impact if organizations work together hand-in-hand. The community might forget the names of the organizations or people who helped the community, but they will surely remember the act of kindness of the people who faced the challenges and crossed the rivers just to bring the light and hope to them.